California State University Monterey BayNameFileNov 2021 e DNA webinar CompressDownloadJuly 2021 e DNA webinarDownloadExample data species listDownloadExample data for NCBI analysisDownloadBOP example data analysis protocolDownloadAlter Water Collection ProtocolDownloadAlter DNA Extraction Protocol BOP Teacher trainingDownloadBOP Teacher Training Protocol OverviewDownloadeDNA Training with CSU Monterey BayDownload
The New York City Water Trails Association and The Hudson River Park TrustNameFileTRP Y1DownloadHRP Lab 2020DownloadCSO and Water Quality Presentation TRPDownloadTRP Advanced Research Training Outline and HandoutsDownload
The Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center at Brooklyn CollegeNameFileBOP Teacher Training 2021 Session IIDownloadChlorophyll extraction protocolDownloadUV VIS spectrometer background methodDownloadBOP Teacher Handout Session 1Download