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Billion Oyster Project: 6th8th Grade: Where’s the ELF Team?

Elf 2

School Name:
St. Clare School – Staten Island

6th8th Grade

Advocacy and NY Harbor2023

Where’s the ELF Team?

The St. Clare ELF Team is an after-school environmental program in Staten Island that is involved in a multitude of community science projects. ELF stands for Environmental Leaders Fellowship and we are focused on advocating for the environment by partnering with a good number of experts and organizations. In addition to all our work on the Billion Oyster Project, we are involved in a number of cleanups, planting initiatives, eel monitoring, horseshoe crab tagging and more all around the Island. We were recently honored by the borough president and the DEP commissioner and featured on Staten Island Live for adopting and caring for our own Bluebelt site at Jack’s Pond. At many of these events, we ask for the support of the community. The team has even created interactive posters for the rangers to use to teach children about the dangers of pollution on our oceans.